Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's been crazy!

I've been busy busy busy! We've painted the kitchen, had a major clean out at home that took days, 20 year old son graduated so we threw a party. *phew* I'm still not back on track, but at least I've got some scrappy stuff to show you. =)

This is my latest DT- layout for MiMas Scrapbooking. Patterned paper from My Mind's Eye, wooden flowers from Kaisercraft.

For this one I used gorgeous patterned papers from Swedish Maja Design! My daughter Maia in the picture. =) I thought since she's PINK I wanted some neautral colors for the balance. 

Here's Maia again. This layout (DT for MiMa's) tells the story when Maia found her new never used dress and decided to wash it in the watering can. =) Patterned papers from My Mind's Eye. 

Maybe you remember I told you about that new christian scrappy challenge blog, Scrapping Everyday Miracles? Well, I won their Kickoff giveaway! *yay* Haven't got it yet, but I'm waiting by the mail box every day. =)

Hugs & blessings!



  1. Vilka fina LOs du gör! Jag gillar kompositionen på dem alla tre!

  2. I prefer the third one, the story is just so hilarious !

  3. LOVE your layouts especially the last one where your DD washes her clothes in the watering can! Adorable!!
    Have a great weekend and congrats on winning that prize!

  4. Men guuuud så fina! Gillar att stilen är lite varierad mellan layouterna.

  5. Underbara layouter alla tre!
    Trevlig midsommar!
    Kram Anita

  6. ÅÅÅh så underbara, jag vill också kunna lajouta som du gör, sjuuukt snyggt!!!

  7. Ja ojoj vad fint du gör, alla är helt underbara!

  8. Du har inte legat på latsidan med allt jox som vart hemmavid och dessutom hunnit scrappa! :D

    Superfina alster Annika!! <3

  9. sweet layouts annika! Love the clothesline, twine and stamping!! :)
